Butterfinger Balls

Welcome to a delicious adventure that will excite your taste buds with the irresistible mix of peanut butter, graham crackers, and the famous Butterfinger candy bars. These Butterfinger Balls will make your next party, holiday get-together, or even a regular Tuesday night extra special. They are fast, delicious, and the perfect treat for snacking with your hands. Are you ready to start? Let’s go!

What makes Butterfinger Balls different from regular peanut bars?Without a doubt, it’s the special taste! Butterfinger Balls are similar to graham cracker peanut butter bars but with a twist. When you mix in crushed Butterfinger candy, you create a delicious treat that is irresistible.

How can you get the ideal texture?
The key is having the right mix of ingredients. Smooth peanut butter and crunchy graham crackers create a delicious combination, turning these snacks into something more than just simple peanut butter treats. If you choose natural peanut butter, you will have to use more graham crackers to get the right thickness.
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What about the chocolate cover?
Oh, the main attraction! We are discussing tempered chocolate, a method that guarantees your chocolate coating will be shiny and crunchy. Using chocolate bark or melting wafers can help you achieve a smooth texture. However, you can also melt chocolate chips if that’s what you have available. In any case, this process turns your Butterfinger Balls into delightful butterfinger cups.

Can I personalize these Butterfinger candies?
Of course! Feel free to be creative with your cooking. You can replace Butterfingers with a different candy bar or add some seasonal colors on top. There are endless possibilities. These Butterfinger Balls are very versatile and delicious, making them a great choice for your culinary creations.

How should you store these delicious treats?
Great news – these are easy to take care of and enjoyable. Keep them in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks. Place wax or parchment paper between them to avoid them sticking together. Do you want to keep some for later? These recipes for peanut butter snacks can be stored in the freezer, keeping them fresh for 5-6 months.

Is it possible to prepare these Butterfinger balls in advance?
Of course! These are the ideal snacks to prepare in advance. Make the balls, put them in the freezer, and when you want to serve them, just dip them in melted chocolate. They can defrost quickly at room temperature or be thawed slowly in the refrigerator overnight.

So, there you go, everyone—everything you need to know about making your own Butterfinger Balls at home. This easy-to-make treat goes beyond regular peanut bars, offering a delicious mix of crunchiness and creaminess covered in a chocolate layer. Give it a go; your taste buds will be grateful!

List of ingredients

4 tablespoons of softened butter Half of a stick

1 teaspoon of vanilla flavoring

8 ounces of chocolate bark or chocolate chips

1/2 cup of Butterfinger bars, crushed.

1 cup of icing sugar

1 cup of peanut butter Stay away from products that are completely natural.

3/4 cup of crushed graham crackers.

Extra toppings: more smashed Butterfinger candy bars Colorful decorations or large salt crystals.


Make the dough: In a bowl, mix the peanut butter with the softened butter. Use an electric or stand mixer on medium speed until the mixture is smooth and consistent.

Include fragrant scents. Add the vanilla extract and mix well.

Make the offer more attractive: Add the powdered sugar little by little while mixing at a slow speed. Remember to use a spatula to clean the edges of the bowl to make sure everything is mixed evenly.

Crunch Time: Carefully mix in the graham cracker crumbs and crushed Butterfinger bars.

Get in shape: Cover a big baking tray with parchment paper. Take about 1 to 1½ tablespoons of the dough, shape it into balls, and place them on the baking sheet.

Chilling Step: Put the dough balls on the tray in the freezer for about 30 minutes until they are completely hard.

Melting the Chocolate Chocolate Symphony: After the dough balls have been cooled, melt the chocolate. Use a bowl that can be used in the microwave and heat the food in short 30-second bursts at half power. Stir the food between each time you heat it. Be careful not to get too hot; some chunks should stay and will dissolve as you mix.

Dress up and embellish: Dip each cold ball into the delicious melted chocolate. You can cover them completely or leave some of the peanut butter mix showing.

Final touches: Sprinkle some crushed Butterfinger bars, holiday-themed sprinkles, or a bit of sea salt to give it an extra touch.

The final step: Let the chocolate harden completely before enjoying your Butterfinger Bliss Balls.

Instructions Keep these treats in a sealed container in the fridge for a week.

Use traditional peanut butter brands like Jif or Skippy, as natural types can have too much oil.

To make chocolate bark smoother, it is suggested. Instead, you can use a combination of chocolate pieces and chocolate chips, or choose chocolate chips that have been properly prepared.

A double boiler is useful for melting chocolate slowly over low or medium-low heat if you like that technique.

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