Ginger juice Refreshing Easy to Do

Here’s a recipe to prepare ginger juice, a refreshing and invigorating drink that can be enjoyed as a delightful treat. Here are the ingredients and steps to follow:

– Ginger root (size depends on the desired amount of juice)
– Brown sugar
– Yellow or green lemon

1. Peel the ginger root and cut it into small pieces.
2. In a bowl, place the ginger pieces and add brown sugar (start with one tablespoon or adjust according to your taste).
3. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the bowl (you can vary the amount based on your preference).
4. Add water to the bowl, enough to cover the ginger and sugar mixture.
5. Leave the mixture to infuse for at least one hour, or longer if desired. This allows the flavors to blend and the ginger to infuse its taste into the liquid.
6. After the infusion time, use a colander or strainer to separate the juice from the small pieces of ginger. This will result in a smooth ginger juice.
7. Discard the ginger pieces and transfer the ginger juice to a glass or pitcher.
8. Serve the ginger juice chilled or with ice, according to your preference.

Enjoy your homemade ginger juice as a refreshing and invigorating beverage. You can adjust the sweetness and tanginess by varying the amount of sugar and lemon juice according to your taste. Cheers!

Continued on the next page



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