Laurel leaves under the’pillow, this’is why it must always be done before sleeping

If you are unable to sleep, the bay leaves could be a good ally for you. Here’s what you don’t know about their properties .

One of the most natural tips for a good night’s sleep is to use bay leaves. Here’s how to use a natural trick to your advantage to sleep well at night.

The bay leaves under the’pillow and tradition

It is certainly not’a gadget new age, far from it. The’use of bay leaves is an ancient practice , that even our grandmothers used. And it’s maybe not that strange after all. The benefits provided by bay leaves are really numerous and among these there is the possibility of sleeping better without resorting to medication.

Yes, in addition to all its well-known properties, laurel is also a powerful sedative completely natural . This means that’il promotes sleep in a natural way, thanks to the’odeur that’il releases. This’ is therefore the perfect plant to use if you have’insomnia problems or simply when you have difficulty falling asleep. Plus, in addition, it promotes lower blood pressure and heart pressure , this’is why it particularly helps to’sendormir. It’ is therefore an excellent calming and a valid anti-stress.

Starting to use bay leaves can avoid the use of expensive drugs’, in addition to the fact that different types are often purchased to find the one that best suits. In addition, laurel is completely free of’ side effects that the drugs could cause.

Continued on the next page



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