Mix lemon with cloves: Here’s what’s going on

If you are tired of buying insecticides and not having positive results or if you want to preserve the health of your children and prefer not to buy these chemicals, we present to you this effective natural repellant to fight mosquitoes, an effective super homemade remedy to free your home from these insects.

Only two natural ingredients are enough to get a powerful repellant: it is the lemon and the cloves, which combined give magnificent results that you would never have imagined.

Lemon and clove, are known for their high effectiveness in the fight against different types of diseases.  However, no one has told you that’by combining them and using them together, you can make’one of the most effective repellents for eliminating mosquitoes, flies and other insects in your home. In addition, it’is a totally natural technique !

Recipe for’antimoustique

Continued on the next page



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